Environment North
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Supported by a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation
Climate Change
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Environment North AGM - 2022
Environment North was thrilled to have environmental justice lawyer Kerrie Blaise and author and activist Maude Barlow present at the virtual Annual General Meeting. A recording is available.
April 22, 2022
Marathon Palladium Project
Environment North made an oral presentation as well as a written submission to the Joint Review Panel. Environment North hopes steps will be taken to address concerns on the climate and socio-economic impacts of this project.
March 16, 2022
Emergency Demands Action
Thunder Bay has declared a "climate emergency". This requires action and action will require funding. Read the details in an article by the Board of Environment North
February 13, 2020
Climate Sense and Sensibility
"Climate Emergency" was chosen by the Oxford English Dictionary as the word of the year. Governments need to show good climate sense as discussed in this article by Graham Saunders.
December 18, 2019
Climate Changes Everything
On May 16, 2019 the former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Dr. Dianne Saxe was the guest speaker at the Environment North AGM. Learn more about her presentation!
May 20, 2019
Environmental accountability
Read the article "Accountability ensures gov't puts environment work ahead of games" by president Graham Saunders
May 18, 2019
Citizen Participation: Bill 4 and Bill 66
Public participation is important and can make a difference. Read the article by board members Karen Peterson and Graham Saunders
March 14, 2019
What Makes People Care?
What motivates people to make changes? Read the article by board member Scott Harris
November 1, 2018
It is not too late to act
Local groups submit a summary of the IPCC's latest report to Member of Parliament Patty Hajdu. Eliazabeth May makes a speech in parliament. The time to act together is now.
October 26, 2018
Coal plants
Shutting down coal plants was not a "waste of money" but achieved a huge reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reduced toxins and contributed to reduced smog. Former Ontario Environment Commissioner Gord Miller explains...
January 20, 2018
Pipeline Proposals
The Energy East Pipeline proposal has been cancelled. What is the case for the Kinder-Morgan proposal?
Oil and Fresh Water
New research at the Experimental Lakes Area is studying the impact of oil spills in fresh water.
November 20, 2017
Act or be Acted Upon
Dr. Laxer's new report outlines how the Alberta Tar Sands oil production can be phased out by 2040.
November 11, 2017
Studying Permafrost in a Changing Climate
On October 23, 2017, Élise Devoie, originally from Thunder Bay, gave a presentation on her permafrost research. Learn more by reading her blog and the Chronicle Journal article by Kerstin Muth.
November 1, 2017
The Price of Power in Ontario
Learn more about the role of nuclear power in Ontario electricity rate increases: article, reports, and A PETITION TO CLOSE THE AGING PICKERING NUCLEAR POWER PLANT
June 6, 2017
Climate Change
Community Resilience
Forestry & Mining
Nuclear Waste